About the exhibition
The exhibition showcases a new type of eyewitness testimony:
digital interactive interviews.
Eyewitnesses Inge Auerbacher and Kurt S. Maier told their stories during the interviews: they talked about their experiences of anti-Semitic persecution and exile after 1933 and described their arrival in a hitherto unknown land.
The interviews were recorded in specially equipped studios in the USA, where Kurt and Inge live. The interviews took five days each, with the eyewitnesses spending 8 to 9 hours in the studio every day and answering more than 900 questions.
You can experience Kurt and Inge's interactive testimonies as part of the exhibition. Use the opportunity to interact with them. Don't ask your history book. Ask Kurt and Inge.
The exhibition also offers many other exciting ways to access the topic: animated graphic novels provide an introduction to Kurt and Inge's life stories. You can collect questions as part of a game. Personal photographs and documents show how Kurt and Inge grew up and how National Socialism changed their lives. Apply these experiences to your own life. What comes to mind when you think about identity, ostracism and new beginnings? You can deepen your knowledge of this era at various media stations.
About Kurt
About Inge

Kurt S. Maier was born in 1930 in Kippenheim. When he was 11, the family Maier was able to flee to the USA. Part of his life story is not only the experience of exile but also the forced deportation of the jewish community of Baden to the French camp Gurs in the Autumn of 1940. Kurt was interviewed for our interactive testimony in his home city of Washington, D.C. in July 2021.

Inge Auerbacher was born on in 1934 in Kippenheim. On 22 August 1942, Inge and her parents were deported to Theresienstadt, where they were imprisoned until the camp was liberated by the Red Army on 8 May 1945. The family emigrated to the USA in May 1946. Inge was interviewed for our interactive testimony in his home city of New York in October 2022.
Start Kurt's film
Start Inge's film
About the interactive interviews
In order not to lose the crucial accounts of contemporary witnesses, they have been recorded for decades now. This allows future generations the chance to occupy themselves with them. A dialogue with the witnesses themselves may not be possible, but advanced technology allows to interact with digital testimonies. This is no replacement for live conversations with witnesses, and is not intended to be, but it allows a new form of interaction. And this is how a conversation with the digital testimonies works.
The USC Shoah Foundation has developed the programme Dimensions in Testimony which the interactive interviews with Inge Auerbacher and Kurt S. Maier are also based upon. Are these digital contemporary witnesses a viable format? That is what we hope to discover with this exhibition. We need to do it now, while the witnesses are still able to inform us about Shoah and exile.
Literature and press
Sylvia Asmus: Die Zukunft der Erinnerung? Interaktive Zeitzeug:inneninterviews im Deutschen Exilarchiv 1933-1945 der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, in: Sammlungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen. Hrsg. von Katharina Günther und Stefan Alschner, Göttingen 2024, S. 129-139, online: https://www.wallstein-verlag.de/openaccess/9783835356153-oa.pdf [25.06.2024].
Theresia Biehl: Im Gespräch mit einem digitalen Zeitzeugen, in: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Blog, 26. Mai 2023, online: https://blog.dnb.de/im-gespraech-mit-einem-digitalen-zeitzeugen/ [25.06.2024].
Lisa Eyrich: Das interaktive Zeitzeugen-Interview auf Tour, in: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Blog, 1. März 2023, online: https://blog.dnb.de/das-interaktive-zeitzeugen-interview-von-kurt-s-maier-auf-tour/ [25.06.2024].
Anna Sophia Nübling: Frag nach! auf Tour, in: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Blog, 27. Mai 2024, online: https://blog.dnb.de/frag-nach-auf-tour/ [25.05.2025].
Wie weiter? Eine Geschichtskultur ohne Zeitzeugen, in: DLF Kultur, Zeitfragen. Feature vom 01.02.2023 Link zum Beitrag
Künstliche Intelligenz: Schüler befragen Holocaust-Zeitzeugen virtuell, in: SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg vom 02.02.2023 Link zu den Beiträgen (TV und Radio)
„Frag Kurt und Inge!“ Zeitzeugen im interaktiven Dialog, in: Tagesspiegel vom 10.09.2023, Seite 20 Link zum Beitrag
Gespräche mit virtuellen Zeitzeugen des Holocaust, in: hessenschau vom 20.11.2023 Link zum Beitrag
Das jüdische Mädel und sein digitales Erbe, in FAZ vom 16.12.2023, Seite 3 Link zum Beitrag
KI ermöglicht Dialog mit Holocaust-Zeitzeugen, in: 17:30 Sat.1 LIVE, 22.12.2023 Link zum Beitrag
Marina Weisband zu neuen Wegen der Erinnerungskultur, in: 3sat Kulturzeit vom 26.01.2024 Link zum Beitrag
Technologien gegen das Vergessen, in: Geschichte ist Gegenwart! Der History & Politics Podcast der Körber-Stiftung vom 27.01.2024 Link zum Beitrag
Digitale Erinnerungskultur. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Wie KI hilft, mit Holocaust-Überlebenden zu reden, in: MDR.de, 29.11.2024 Link zum Beitrag